Seminar presentation at the University of Göttingen, 21 May 2019

tobias graf

On 21 May 2019 at 6–8pm, ‘Stories of Survival’ research associate Dr Tobias Graf will be giving a talk on ‘Prinzen vom Berg Libanon: Flüchtlinge und “galante Bettler” aus dem osmanischen Syrien im Heiligen Römischen Reich des 18. Jahrhunderts’ (Princes of Mount Lebanon: Refugees and ‘noble beggars’ from Ottoman Syria in the Eighteenth-Century Holy Roman Empire) as part of Professor Marian Füssel’s research seminar (Forschungskolloquium) at the University of Göttingen. The seminar will meet in room 1.601 on the first floor of the Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ) in Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14. A map with a location of the venue is available here.

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