Community Boundaries in the Middle East
Heleen Murre-van den Berg, ‘The Book of the Garden (ktābā d-gantā aw d-luqqāṭē) – a late sixteenth century witness to the early phases of catholicization of the Church of the East
Lucy Parker – The interconnected histories of the Syriac Churches
Scribes, Authors and Scholars
David Taylor: Maphrian Basilios Shem‘un on Purgatory: Syrian Orthodox responses to Catholic theology in the early eighteenth century.
Hidemi Takahashi: On Some Syriac Scribes and Scholars of the Early Modern Period: Readers and Copyists of Barhebraeus’ Works
Syriac Scholarship in Europe: Part I
Philip Forness: Scholarship on Syriac Christianity and Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe
Joanna Weinberg: A Jew reads the Gospels in Syriac: Azariah de’ Rossi’s critique of the Vulgate (1577)
Syriac Scholarship in Europe: Part II
Theo Dunkelgrün, [Syriac Studies in the Low Countries, from 1560s Antwerp to 1620s Leiden]
András Mércz: The Syriac Correspondence of Moses of Mardin
Syriac Christianity in India
István Perczel: The European as the Other: Sixteenth-century Indian Christian testimonies on the arrival and activity of the Portuguese in South India
Radu Mustaţă: Liturgical poetry among the Saint Thomas Christians in the aftermath of the Synod of Diamper (1599): The case of the ‘canticles of glorification’
Syriac Christianity and Islam
Sergey Minov: The Marvels Found in the Great Cities, Seas and Islands: Appropriation of a Muslim Literary Genre by Syriac-Speaking Christians
Ephrem Ishac: Syriac Liturgy in the Sixteenth Century
Texts Beyond Manuscripts
Erica Hunter: Syriac Amulets: Vernacular Traditions of the Christian Communities in Hakkari
Colin Clarke: Syriac Epigraphic Metrical Poetry: Origins and Expressions in Stone
Syriac in the Early Modern World
George Kiraz: The Patriarchate of Antioch in the Early Modern World
John Paul-Ghobrial: Closing remarks, opening of round table