Traditions in Motion: The Circulation of Texts, 1100-1900
In Hilary Term 2017, Professor Joanna Weinberg (Oriental Studies) and Dr John-Paul Ghobrial (History) convened a seminar featuring a set of speakers presenting on issues related to the circulation of texts from 1100 to 1900. The following seminars took place at 2:15pm on Thursdays in the Quarrell Room, Exeter College.
Professor Stefano Zacchetti
19 Jan: ‘Not what the Buddhists did: Matteo Ricci’s Chinese translation of Epictetus’
Professor Alastair Hamilton, American University in Cairo
26 Jan: ‘Johann Michael Wansleben: an early use of Arabic sources in Ottoman Egypt’
Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert, UCL
2 Feb: ‘Trans-cultural Sectarians: The Messianic Cult of Jacob Frank and His Daughter in Eighteenth-Century Poland’
Dr Peter Hill
9 Feb: ‘The First Arabic Translations of Enlightenment Literature: Syrians, Greeks and Franks in Damietta, 1808-1818’
Dr Thomas Roebuck, East Anglia
2 Mar: ‘Thomas Smith (1638-1710) and His Journey to the Levant: Continuities and Transformations in Oriental Scholarship’
Dr Krisztina Szilágyi, Cambridge
9 Mar: ‘The Story of ‘Antar in Jewish and Christian Manuscripts’
This seminar was supported by funding from the Oxford Unit for Hebrew and Jewish Studies and the Programme in Eastern Mediterranean Studies in the History Faculty.