New Perspectives in Mediterranean History - Trinity 2017
The following seminars will take place at 11:15am on Mondays in the Old Common Room, Balliol College, unless otherwise noted.
Sir Noel Malcolm (All Souls)
Week 1 (24 April): ‘Tracking a transnational family in the sixteenth-century Mediterranean world: the Brunis and the Brutis’
Dr Elizabeth Key Fowden (Cambridge)
Week 2 (1 May): ‘Plato’s throne and Solomon’s temple: Graeco-Islamic historical imagination in Ottoman Athens’
Mr Nenad Filipović (Oriental Institute, Sarajevo)
Week 3 (8 May): ‘ ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore: An attempt at a microhistorical reading of an early 16th-century Ottoman petition’
Dr Hannah Skoda (St John’s)
Week 4 (15 May): ‘ “His master’s chattel in matters superadded to nature, though in nature things all are equal” (Aquinas). Towards a legal anthropology of late medieval slavery’
Professor Marilyn Booth (Magdalen), response from Dr Christina De Bellaigue (Exeter)
Week 5 (22 May): ‘Girlhood translated? Reading Fénelon’s Traité de l’éducation des filles (1687) in twentieth-century Egypt’
Dr Cecilia Tarruell (History/TORCH)
Week 6 (29 May): ‘Beyond exclusion: Migrations from the Islamic world to the Spanish Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries’
Dr Cesare Santus (L’école française de Rome)
Week 7 (5 June): ‘Forbidden contacts: Catholic and Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire (17th-18th centuries)’
This seminar is co-sponsored by the Maison française d’Oxford, the Early Modern Catholicism Network, and l’École française de Rome.
Professor Stephen Davis (Yale)
Week 8 (12 June): ‘At the periphery of texts, at the center of textual heritage: A study of Christian Arabic manuscripts at the Monastery of the Syrians in Egypt’
Professor Ali Yaycioğlu (Stanford), with response from Professor Marc Baer (LSE)
Week 8 (15 June): ‘Partners of the Empire and the Formation of a State-Society: Rethinking the Ottoman Order in the 18th and 19th centuries’
(NB. This seminar will take place in the New Powell Room at Somerville College, and it is convened by Prof J Innes and Dr J-P Ghobrial.)
This seminar is supported by funding from the Programme in Eastern Mediterranean Studies in the History Faculty. Convenor: Dr J-P Ghobrial (
A PDF of the seminar programme can be downloaded here.