Vera Tchentsova received her PhD in from the Institute of General History of the Academy of Sciences of Russia in Moscow, where she started to conduct research specializing in Byzantine history. Her interest in manuscripts and archival documents then led her to join the research projects on the unpublished materials concerning the relations of Russia with the Christian East in the 16th-18th centuries from the Muscovite depositories. Later she combined these studies with the research work in foreign collections of documents (in Greece, Italy, Ukraine, Romania), preparing publications regarding church contacts, diplomatic links assured by the representatives of the Orthodox clergy, international politics in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, translatio of “Byzantine heritage”, post-Byzantine art and its artistic influences in East-European countries. Actually Currently she participates in several projects intended to make available to the scholars the unpublished materials concerning the Eastern Church in the 16th-18th centuries (in collaboration with the colleagues in Romania, Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom), as well as the comparative study of various problems of Church history in Europe (in collaboration with the colleagues in France). She conducts research in four core areas: 1) paleographic methods of studies of Greek letters of the 16th-18th centuries and cataloguing of Greek documents from the archival funds in Moscow; 2) documentary materials on the two voyages accomplished in 1650-1670s by Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch, and his son, archdeacon Paul of Aleppo to Constantinople, Romanian principalities, Ukraine and Russia; 3) the metropolitan See of Kiev, Patriarchate of Constantinople and Russia in the 17th century; 4) translation and transformation of Greek prophetic and esoteric texts in Moscow in the 17th century.
List of publications
Le scribe grec Nicolas de Rhodes et l’archimandrite Jacob de Mélos: résultats préliminaires des recherches sur les documents relatifs au séjour du patriarche Macaire d’Antioche en Russie en 1654-1656, in: Captain and Scholar. Papers in memory of Demetrios I. Polemis, Andros, 2009, p. 297-341.
Le premier voyage du patriarche d’Antioche Macaire III Ibn al-Zaʽîm à Moscou et dans les Pays roumains: 1652-1659, in: Relations entre les peuples orthodoxes de l’Europe Orientale et les chrétiens arabes du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, Actes du Ier Colloque International, le 16 septembre 2011, Bucarest, ed. I. Feodorov, Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 2012, p. 69-122.
Le patriarche d’Antioche Macaire III Ibn al-Zaʽîm et la chrétienté latine, in: Réduire le schisme ? Ecclésiologies et politiques de l’Union entre Orient et Occident (XIIIe-XVIIIesiècles), ed. Marie-Hélène Blanchet, Frédéric Gabriel, Paris, 2013, p. 313-335.
Les documents grecs du XVIIe siècle: pièces authentiques et pièces fausses. 4. Le patriarche d’Antioche Athanase IV Dabbâs et Moscou: en quête de subventions pour l’imprimerie arabe d’Alep, in: Orientalia Christiana Periodica 79 (1), 2013, p. 173-195.
Les artisans grecs des projets culturels du patriarche Macaire III d’Antioch, in: Revue des études sud-est européennes 52, 2014, p. 315-346.